Whenever we read some stories,novels or articles especially like Panchatantra or Five Principles - it draws our attention to think in the character's pursuit and it gets so interesting to read till the end. Also the moral of the story triggers the awareness and common sense to the readers. So lets move on to the part 2 of the punches from panchatantra tales.
6. From a mere gesture, walk, twitch or word, from the eye and look,
the wise can read one's thoughts.
7. No burden weakens the strong,
To the enterprising no road is long,
To the well informed, nothing is strange,
To the flatterer, no man is a stranger.
8. A gentleman will never interrupt during a conversation,
a fight or when the monarch is consulting a psychic,
is with his barber, flirting with a woman or when he is devouring his favorite food.
9. Students should not meddle with their teachers things.
Destruction - fast & sure waits on such meddlers.
10. A loved & beloved one is who never gives a painful reply or laughs loudly teasing others, who pretends not to hear the goings on in the king's household & keeps his mouth shut in women's quarters, who hates gambling, avoids liquor and treats other's wives as if they were statues.