Friday, April 26, 2013

Panchatantra Punches Part 4

Let us sharpen our skills smart as sharp as an eagle's eye.
If you just start reading thought provoking stories try to learn the positive message it delivers to your real life. No matter whether it is from a school kid's English text book or from a science fiction fantasy novel or historical fiction article or spy thriller blogs. 

Now let us roll our sleeves and get back to Punches Part 4:

16. You find relief amidst great disaster in telling things to a powerful master, honest servant, a faithful friend or a wife who loves you till the end.

17. Water breaks the dams, love disappears when bad feelings enter, secrets vanish when people start babbling and simple words melt even cruel hearts.

18. Wisely move one foot, while the other holds firmly, for until assured of some new home, do not desert the old.

19. If you are brave and bold, no matter how fierce the enemy, no defeat or sorrow would touch you. Brave hearts do not fear even threats from heavens.

Let me make the next point as a puzzle from the same panchatantra story book. Let me see how many sharp eagles can give an answer to it.

20. "I thought at first it was full of fat,
        I crept within,
        There I did not find a thing,
        Except some wood and skin". What is it?

Answers are expected within 1 week from today. If not , It will be added as comment by myself.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Panchatantra Punches Part 3

Most of the stories from panchatantra will have some specific characters like Jackals, wolves and foxes coming under the category of cunning and trickier beings, camels, bulls, oxen, cows, donkeys under the honest , dumb or ignorant category and the lions, tigers, leopards or elephants playing the brave, majestic and commanding roles. We can compare those behavioral pattern mapping of these characters in real life too.Let us continue on to Part 3 of the punches:

11. A good servant will give master good or bad news and then help him in the decision making process with a touch of humor. The man who does not want his master's fall will advise him, though uninvited.

12. To clean a tooth or scratch an ear, a straw may serve a king, but a man of speech & action is a higher kind of thing.

13. The usefulness of a horse,book,sword,woman, flute or word depends entirely on the quality of the user.

14. Does not gold come from a stone?
      Does not water lily spring from mud?
      Does not lotus bud sprout from cow dung?
      So men of distinction become so by their attainments, not by birth.

15. The wise who have mastered the universal law, do not care either for money or position. They are like the bull which cannot be restrained by an chain when it is in rage.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Panchatantra Punches Part 2

Whenever we read some stories,novels or articles especially like Panchatantra or Five Principles - it draws our attention to think in the character's pursuit and it gets so interesting to read till the end. Also the moral of the story triggers the awareness and common sense to the readers. So lets move on to the part 2 of the punches from panchatantra tales.

6. From a mere gesture, walk, twitch or word, from the eye and look,
   the wise can read one's thoughts.

7. No burden weakens the strong,
   To the enterprising no road is long,
   To the well informed, nothing is strange,
  To the flatterer, no man is a stranger.

8. A gentleman will never interrupt during a conversation,
    a fight or when the monarch is consulting a psychic,
   is with his barber, flirting with a woman or when he is devouring his favorite food.

9. Students should not meddle with their teachers things. 
    Destruction - fast & sure waits on such meddlers.

10. A loved & beloved one is who never gives a painful reply or laughs loudly teasing others, who pretends not to hear the goings on in the king's household & keeps his mouth shut in women's quarters, who hates gambling, avoids liquor and treats other's wives as if they were statues.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Panchatantra Punches Part 1

During my childhood days, I used to read a lot of Panchatantra stories, Jataka tales, Akbar Birbal tales, Aesop fables etc. Most of them I used to read from my school library itself. While reading those stories, I would quote down the catchy quotes or rather I feel them as punch dialogues or punches in short. Thought of moving those scribbled notes into my blog as many parts. The best part of these punches is it makes you keep thinking and it would imply the actions, happenings and messages to your various stages of life. Though most of them may be contradictory or for and against the normal human thoughts, we always have the right to debate on such topics. So here it goes:

1.Unborn or dead sons will cause a little grief for sometime, no doubt, but foolish sons will cause one much sadness throughout.

2.Of what use is a cow, which neither gives a calf nor yields milk. Similarly why beget a son who is an idiot and disobedient.

3.Re-employ the money you have earned like releasing the surplus water from a reservoir.

4.Wise serve the kings by hurting his foes and helping his friends. Life is indeed life when many lives depend on it.

5. Vice and Virtue are like an effort to carry stones uphill, but they are tumbling down in a jiffy.Honor or disgrace of a man  will decide his inner worth.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Failure - Failure isn't when you fall down, it is only when you don't get up again.

Importance - Direction is more important than speed.

Men vs Woman - A hundred men may make an encampment, but it takes a woman to make sweet home.

Young vs Old - In youth we want to change the world, In old age we want to change the youth.

Plan - Planning is deciding - what to do, where to do, when to do, why to do and most important whether to do.


Doing - If you cannot do great things, do great things in a small way.

Unity - There are 2 things that unite people - fear and interest.

Life - Life is not a goblet to be drained,it is a measure to be filled.

Mistakes -The freedom to make mistakes, provides the best environment for creativity.

Nice - Its nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Victory - Attaining success is important, but getting yourself qualified for that success is important than that !

Oblivion - Axe forgets, but not the tree !!!

Law - Order for an idiot, but guide for the smart.

Similarity - Start loving your neighbors and enemies as for most of us both remain one.

Easy vs Difficult - No task is easy to achieve, but task becomes difficult based on your contempt attitude.


  1. U + I  = ?
  2. Which alphabet can fly on its own ?
  3. Longest alphabet?
  4. Master of all alphabets ?
  5. Questioning alphabet ?
  6. Which alphabet is a part of our body ?
  7. 2 words that contain all vowels?
  8. Words that contain vowels in same order a,e,i,o,u ?
  9. Word with 5 e's?
  10. Words that contain vowels in reverse  order?
  1. V (You + I = We)
  2. E (Fly in Tamil)
  3. Q (Queue)
  4. G ( Teacher or Guru in Indian verse)
  5. Y (Why)
  6. I (eye)
  7. Equation, Education
  8. Arsenious,Abstemious,Facetious,Adventious.
  9. Defenselessness.
  10. Subcontinental,Uncomplimentary.
" A word spoken in wrath is the sharpest sword,
covetousness is the deadliest poison,
passion is the fiercest fire,
ignorance is the darkest night " - THE BUDDHA.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


2 Aliens visit the earth and talks:

There stands a 2 leg creature with 2 hands and 2 legs,
2 eyes and 2 ears, 1 mouth and 1 nose,
less than us though !

There one rides 2 rounded and 4 rounded animals,
1 big dragon which flies higher and 1 big snake which creeps faster,
less than us though !

There one drinks transparent and colored juices,
There one uses talking insects,listening birds,
less than us though !

There one builds mini mountain on top of another,
There one captures sunlight and uses in the dark,
less than us though !

There one loves each other with care and affection,
There one helps each other with gratitude,
but more than us though !

Let us leave and not invade this planet !!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Got a first prize for a poor kid in sports competition,
Holding it - he walked to home with fame and pride,
Within seconds, excitement and happiness turned out to be tears,
Scolding - he got from his father without any reason,
Sadness entered the little mind instead of motivation,
Only soul who consoled him was his mother -
who knew the shades of poverty changing the kid's gift of talent !!!

Got a first proposal for a long awaited bride,
Struggle still grabbed her parents to finish of marriage,
Yet to start a bright life with so much dreams,
Shocked was the bride when she heard -
Groom and his family had quit the marriage and left,
Sheltered dowry shredding the bride and her family -
proved to be the bride's gift of marriage !!!

Got a first rank for a student after lot of effort,
Finished all hiring processes and rounds of interviews,
for his first job after lot of preparation,
Expecting fruitful result for a long time,
Struck was the student by disappointment,
When recommendation just ignored his gift of hard work !!!

Got a first address as Trash bin for the orphan children,
Not even a dress for exchange,
Educational institutions seems to them -
as exhibition centres or museums,
Who will be the guide to the future of those pure souls ?
Not even a helping hand for this young society -
dying out there of starvation,
When they will get their birthday GIFT ???