Sunday, December 2, 2012


Failure - Failure isn't when you fall down, it is only when you don't get up again.

Importance - Direction is more important than speed.

Men vs Woman - A hundred men may make an encampment, but it takes a woman to make sweet home.

Young vs Old - In youth we want to change the world, In old age we want to change the youth.

Plan - Planning is deciding - what to do, where to do, when to do, why to do and most important whether to do.


Doing - If you cannot do great things, do great things in a small way.

Unity - There are 2 things that unite people - fear and interest.

Life - Life is not a goblet to be drained,it is a measure to be filled.

Mistakes -The freedom to make mistakes, provides the best environment for creativity.

Nice - Its nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Victory - Attaining success is important, but getting yourself qualified for that success is important than that !

Oblivion - Axe forgets, but not the tree !!!

Law - Order for an idiot, but guide for the smart.

Similarity - Start loving your neighbors and enemies as for most of us both remain one.

Easy vs Difficult - No task is easy to achieve, but task becomes difficult based on your contempt attitude.


  1. U + I  = ?
  2. Which alphabet can fly on its own ?
  3. Longest alphabet?
  4. Master of all alphabets ?
  5. Questioning alphabet ?
  6. Which alphabet is a part of our body ?
  7. 2 words that contain all vowels?
  8. Words that contain vowels in same order a,e,i,o,u ?
  9. Word with 5 e's?
  10. Words that contain vowels in reverse  order?
  1. V (You + I = We)
  2. E (Fly in Tamil)
  3. Q (Queue)
  4. G ( Teacher or Guru in Indian verse)
  5. Y (Why)
  6. I (eye)
  7. Equation, Education
  8. Arsenious,Abstemious,Facetious,Adventious.
  9. Defenselessness.
  10. Subcontinental,Uncomplimentary.
" A word spoken in wrath is the sharpest sword,
covetousness is the deadliest poison,
passion is the fiercest fire,
ignorance is the darkest night " - THE BUDDHA.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


2 Aliens visit the earth and talks:

There stands a 2 leg creature with 2 hands and 2 legs,
2 eyes and 2 ears, 1 mouth and 1 nose,
less than us though !

There one rides 2 rounded and 4 rounded animals,
1 big dragon which flies higher and 1 big snake which creeps faster,
less than us though !

There one drinks transparent and colored juices,
There one uses talking insects,listening birds,
less than us though !

There one builds mini mountain on top of another,
There one captures sunlight and uses in the dark,
less than us though !

There one loves each other with care and affection,
There one helps each other with gratitude,
but more than us though !

Let us leave and not invade this planet !!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Got a first prize for a poor kid in sports competition,
Holding it - he walked to home with fame and pride,
Within seconds, excitement and happiness turned out to be tears,
Scolding - he got from his father without any reason,
Sadness entered the little mind instead of motivation,
Only soul who consoled him was his mother -
who knew the shades of poverty changing the kid's gift of talent !!!

Got a first proposal for a long awaited bride,
Struggle still grabbed her parents to finish of marriage,
Yet to start a bright life with so much dreams,
Shocked was the bride when she heard -
Groom and his family had quit the marriage and left,
Sheltered dowry shredding the bride and her family -
proved to be the bride's gift of marriage !!!

Got a first rank for a student after lot of effort,
Finished all hiring processes and rounds of interviews,
for his first job after lot of preparation,
Expecting fruitful result for a long time,
Struck was the student by disappointment,
When recommendation just ignored his gift of hard work !!!

Got a first address as Trash bin for the orphan children,
Not even a dress for exchange,
Educational institutions seems to them -
as exhibition centres or museums,
Who will be the guide to the future of those pure souls ?
Not even a helping hand for this young society -
dying out there of starvation,
When they will get their birthday GIFT ???

Monday, August 20, 2012


We used to play a lot of riddles during school and college life , but we would have forgotten them when we enter busy work life.Just for a rewind, I got some riddles from my old notebook - not sure the answers are available online !

1) I am 5 letter word. I am a talent in you. If you cut the first letter, I am dead.
    If you cut the first 2 letters, I am sick. Who am I ?

2) What 5 letter word would be pronounced the same if its last 4 letters were removed?

3) No visible flesh, nor blood, nor bone, but within time will walk alone. What are they ?

4) Which is the word in English which becomes short by adding a couple of letters to it?

5) Which is the longest word in dictionary -  not the real long word :)

6) I am 5 letter word. If you remove the first letter, I am a country.
    If you remove the first 2 letters, I am opposite of the 5 letter.
    Who am I ?

OK where are the answers - It will be posted as comments unless some genius has the hurry to answer it first.


Have you read the book YOU CAN IF YOU THINK YOU CAN by Dr.Norman Vincent Peale. It really changes one's way of thinking from pessimistic to optimistic and from negative to positive. I really liked most of the bulletin points and quotes mentioned by the author which i thought of listing here.

  • Persistence - Never quit attacking a problem
  • Master Perception - Know yourself and try to learn your self.
  • Be Cool - Believe what you can do - Think it out.
  • Relax - Practice peaceful words and thoughts.
  • Perseverance - Keep that positive attitude.
  • Motivation - Release the fire inside you - The  power inside you - Identify all your talents.
  • Self Confidence - Secret of Success.
  • Practice creative Anticipation  - The power of positive outcome.
  • Powerful Principle - Think first, Judge later.
  • Practice word therapy - Serenity, Urbanity, Imperturbability, Equanimity.
  • Ease up - Have a sense of Humor
"The more problems you have the more alive you are"

"You can be greater than anything that can happen to you"

"When you are afraid of, do the thing you are afraid of and soon you will loose your fear of it"

"Give life all you have got - thoughts,efforts,imagination,innovations,ideas etc - Life will give back what it has for you"

"Never take life seriously,nobody is going to get alive of it any way"

"Believe that tide always come back"

"Adversity cause some men to break, others to break records" - William Word

"If we did all things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves" - Edison

"We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse" - Rudyard Kipling

"The world is moving so fast that the man who says it cant be done is interrupted by someone doing it" - Harry Emerson Fodrick

I would definitely suggest the readers to read this book - Read, think, practice, write down all your innovative ideas, work on it - Finally make miracles happen, make your dreams come true.
That day is not so far and it is never late.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


There are 3 techniques to learn swimming - IMO:
You are put into a swimming pool with swim suit and 3 guides,
You are put into a river with a rope tied and 1 guide,
You are thrown into an ocean and a brave guide jumps in to teach you before you die !!!
Which one will you prefer?

There are 3 techniques to learn driving - IMO:
You are allowed to ride a vehicle with 3 guides on a traffic full road,
You are allowed to ride a vehicle with 1 guide on a traffic medium road,
You are left alone with a vehicle on a no-man land with all type of roads !!!
Which one will you prefer?

There are 3 techniques to learn coding or programming- IMO:
You are drill-trained, molded and shaped into a super coder by 3 seniors,
You are spoon-feeded b(i)ytes of language by 1 senior,
You are left alone with the system to code and debug until it crashes !!!
Which one will you prefer?

There are 3 techniques to survive- IMO:
Depend on others until they die,
Depend on others' wealth until it gets over,
Depend on only yourself and no body else !!!
Which one will you prefer?

--- Siva.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Born was the ancient man in a dark world in the past,
Survival of modern man in current flowing brightful world of present!

Communication was only through mute actions and signs in the past,

Along with actions, thousands plus languages are roaming around the world of present!

Messages and News were spread through humans and pigeons in the past,

Cell Phone, Telephone, Television, Computers with Internet changed the world of present!

Travelling to different locations was only by walk with human foot in the past,

Invention of Wheel varying from bullock cart to bullet train,
Rails,Air Planes and Ships changed the travel for world of present!

Period of time was determined only with natural changes in the past,

Invention of large to small ticking clocks and electronic gadgets and devices
changed the world of present!

Plants,fruits and animals were hunted from wild for food in the past,

Non-Vegetarian food and Vegetarian food in the form of wheat,rice,grains,
and thousands of food varieties are available in the world of present!

Ancient wars occured with arrows and weapons 

riding on horses and elephants in the past,
Modern wars discovered nuclear bombs to strange missiles 
which can destroy the entire world of present!

Living in forests and mountains with animals as friends, 

humans had built tribal huts in the past,
Skyscrapers,tallest buildings,palaces are emerging as the wonders of world of present!

Though we can sort out tons of differences for past and present,

Birth and Death of human beings cannot be stopped forever !!!!

OK what about the future ?? --- Thinking :)